About Us

Our Story

Everything started in 2019, when the founder, saw the need and struggle of immigrants in Canada. He started supporting and providing pro bono services such as settlement information, pre-and post-arrival support, airport pick up, transportation, orientation, and many other services based on their needs in Manitoba. He replicated what he has been doing in the Dominican Republic and other countries, but completely adapted to this country needs. After a few years faithfully working on this personal project and receiving high demand of requests by international and domestic audience; he decided to incorporate an organization that keeps serving others with major support. This is how Building Bridges for Newcomers is born on July 2023 to expand its vision and reach others in different parts of the country.

Our North

Through strategic partnerships, Building Bridges for Newcomers offers newcomers innovative tools and professional networking opportunities, empowering them to build successful careers and social lives in Canada.

Being the bridge of connection between newcomers and their destinations in Canada and other countries, adapting our programs and strategies according to the diverse legal, occupational, and social needs and contexts.


Meet Who Is behind This…

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